Terms & Conditions for Schooly

Our Terms of Use

Please read this carefully before using Schooly!

Who we are and how to contact us:

https://www.schooly.help/ is a site operated by Schooly Education Ltd(“We”).

We are registered in England and Wales under company number14542948 and have our registered once at 27, Old Gloucester Street,London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX.

Our main trading address is 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, UnitedKingdom, WC1N 3AX. We are a limited company. To contact us, pleaseemail hello@schooly.help.

By using our site you accept these terms

By using our site, you confirm that you accept these terms of use andthat you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms,you must not use our site. We recommend that you print a copy of theseterms for future reference.

There are other terms that may apply to you

These terms of use refer to the following additional terms, which alsoapply to your use of our site:

We may make changes to these terms

We amend these terms from time to time. Every time you wish to use oursite, please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. These terms were most recently updated on 10/07/2023.

We may make changes to our site

We may update and change our site from time to time to reflect changes to our products, our users’ needs and our business priorities.

We may suspend or withdraw our site

Our site is free but availability is not guaranteed. We may suspend, withdraw, or restrict it for business or operational reasons, with reasonable notice. You are responsible for ensuring that anyone accessing our site through your internet connection is aware of and complies with our terms and conditions.

We may transfer this agreement to someone else

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation, and will notify you in writing if this happens. The transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

You must keep your account details safe

 You must keep your user identification code and password confidential and not disclose it to any third party. We may disable your code or password if you fail to comply with our terms of use. If you suspect someone else knows your code or password, notify us promptly at hello@schooly.help.

How you may use material on our site

We own or licence all intellectual property on our site, protected by global copyright laws. You may print or download content for personal use, but must not modify or use it commercially without our permission. Acknowledge us as authors and destroy any unauthorised copies. Allrights reserved.

Do not rely on information on this site

Our site’s content is for general information only and not intended as advice. Seek professional advice before acting on our content. We try to keep our information up-to-date, but we don’t guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

We are not responsible for websites we link to

Our site has links to third-party sites for your information only. We don’t approve or control their content. Use them at your own risk.

User-generated content is not approved by us

Our site may have unverified content from other users. Their views don’t represent ours. Use them at your own risk.

How to complain about content uploaded by other users

If you wish to complain about content uploaded by other users, please contact us on hello@schooly.help.

Our responsibility for loss or damage suffered by you

We’re not liable for unlawful actions.

– Business users: We exclude all implied terms and aren’t liable for anyloss or damage from using our site.

– Consumer users: Our site is for private use only. We’ll repair orcompensate for defective digital content we supplied.

– Defective software for Online Classroom will be repaired or refunded if it affects tutoring services.

– All rights reserved.

How we may use your personal information

We will only use your personal information as set out in our

Uploading content to our site

Schooly will not use the uploaded content by tutors without their consent. If we wish to use it, we will ask for consent from the author first. Tutors are expected to share lesson resources with their students aspart of our services, but may explain to their students directly if they are uncomfortable with this. By uploading content to our site, you grant us a limited licence to use it and may disclose your identity if it violates third-party rights. We may remove content that doesn’t comply with our policy.
You’re responsible for securing and backing up your content. We don’t store terrorist content.

Our responsibility for viruses

We don’t guarantee our site is secure or free from bugs or viruses. You’re responsible for configuring your technology and using virus protection software. Misusing our site by introducing harmful material or attempting unauthorised access is a criminal offence. We’ll report breaches to law enforcement and disclose your identity. Your right touse our site will cease immediately in the event of a breach.

Rules about linking to our site

You may link to our pages fairly and legally without damaging our reputation or suggesting association, approval, or endorsement.
Don’t establish links on sites not owned by you or frame our site.
We may withdraw linking permission without notice and the linking sitemust comply with our Code of Conduct & Online Safety Policies.
Contact hello@schooly.help for other linking or content use.

Recordings and use of Recordings

– While Schooly does not typically record lessons, there may beoccasions when a lesson is recorded for safeguarding or marketing purposes.

– In these cases, both the tutor and the student will be informed.

– If the recording is for marketing purposes, both parties must give their consent.

– However, if there are any suspected safeguarding issues, all tutors involved must comply with the recording or they will not be permitted to work on the Schooly platform any longer.

Governing law and jurisdiction

– For consumers, these terms are governed by English law and the courtsof England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction.
– Residents of Northern Ireland and Scotland may also bring proceedings in their respective countries.
– For business users, these terms and any non-contractual disputes or claims are governed by English law with exclusive jurisdiction of thecourts of England and Wales.